Monday, December 23, 2013

Forces of Nature

Mother Nature: She can be a bear.
I have been consumed lately by all things weather. I looked on today because I know there has been trouble in the skies. I am always fascinated with the pictures of damage and destruction. They had a slide show of the top 100 photos from the year (with a few from previous years).
If you have some time, I highly recommend viewing the collection. It is a sobering experience. It brings life to the old adage, "No matter how bad you think you've got it, someone else is worse off." Living in the Plains, we see several different forces of nature each year. I think Nebraska has been relatively lucky in 2013. I know there were some tornadoes, flooding, etc. but I think we can all thank God that we weren't living in parts of Oklahoma and Illinois which saw extreme devastation and loss of life from tornadoes, or parts of Colorado either engulfed in flame or washed away by flooding. These are just a few that I can remember off the top of my head.
I loved watching Storm Chasers on the Discovery Channel, but now that it's no longer on air, I am following the adventures of Mr. Reed Timmer and his web-series Tornado Chasers. You do have to pay to view the episodes, but I believe in the work that he's doing, so I am happy to do this. Also, he's quite the character. The episodes are action-packed with incredible footage. They can literally drive into tornadoes with their custom built vehicles. I love it. I think it draws me in even more because I was born and raised in tornado alley. The passion of those involved in this series is incredible.You can check out the website at

As the holidays draw near, please say an extra prayer for those people who are without their loved ones due to the forces of nature. They may have rebuilt their homes, purchased new things...but nothing can replace the life of a family member or friend. The pictures I saw in the collection are a humble reminder that the best things in life aren't things.
Seasons Greetings to you all.


Friday, November 8, 2013

Good in the world

Last week I shared a video on Facebook about a bus driver who stopped in the middle of the road after seeing a woman clinging to a an overpass railing. He open the bus door and shouted, "Hey! Are you okay?" The woman looked back but did not answer. He proceeded to park the bus, get off, and go talk to her. After a short moment, he grabbed her arm preventing her from leaping into the lanes of traffic below. She climbed back over the railing to safety. The driver sat down on the sidewalk (that several onlookers had just walked on by the distressed woman) and talked it out with the woman. After the ordeal, the driver got back on his bus and was met with applause from the passengers.
Feel-good videos like that restore my faith in humanity. Earlier that day I heard about the shooter at LAX, so it was refreshing to see that there are still good people in the world after such a violent act.

So today, I'm taking my daily cruise on MSN, and I see a video about this bus driver. He has been showered with gifts and best of all, Donald Trump sent him a big fat check for $10K. As if saving this woman's life wasn't "gift" enough, it made me happy to know that this man has been honored for his actions that day. In the original video, I watched a handful of people walk by this woman (seriously, they were within 2 feet of her) and not give her a second glance.

I took a class one summer at UNL; Sociology. It was a great class, extremely though-provoking. It reminded me a lot of the show on ABC "What would you do?" We talked about the school shooting at Columbine and other extreme situations similar to that where you have to make a decision. If you were asked, "Do you believe in God?" and you were a Christian, what would you say? Would you say yes? Would you say no? I know what I think I would say, but unless I'm actually in that situation, it's hard to say what I would really do. I think that goes for everyone. You can tell me until you're blue in the face what you "would do" but until you're in whatever situation it is, you can't possibly know for sure what you would do.

I'm just glad the bus driver made the decision he did that day. He could have kept on driving his bus route. Instead, he made a choice. Not the right choice or wrong choice. His choice.


Monday, September 23, 2013

TV Talk

John Lennon once said "time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." I find astounding truth in this quote, and was a living example of it yesterday. After a very restful sleep, I got a text from a very eager Cab, wanting to watch a movie. One movie turned into four. Four awesome movies that kept us wanting more. More weekend, that is. Just one more day to do nothing. Veg out. Lay around. Relax. Enjoy the cinematic genius that is The Avengers. The nerd in me came out in full force. After we watched The Avengers I got my first taste of Captain America. It did not disappoint. My watch list is full of Avengers: Iron Man (all 3), The Incredible Hulk, and Thor. I'm sure we'll have them all watched by the end of the week. In case you were wondering, yes, we are that cool.
One wonderful thing about Fall is premiere week. All of my favorite shows return to television. (The first step is admitting that you have a problem.) While there are many shows that I don't like to miss, my top three are Castle on Mondays, The Big Bang Theory on Thursdays, and  Revenge on Sundays. It amazes me how people can come up with this stuff. Admittedly, I am a nerd, and I like to watch the extras. Seeing how much work goes in to one action scene of Castle had me in disbelief.
Recently, I saw an article online about the cast of Big Bang reporting that the cast members were seeking raises. The original post I read stated that they make $350,000/episode and were requesting $1,000,000/episode, similar to the request that the cast of Friends made back in 2002. Now, that's a lot of green, and my first thought was "Geez! You greedy bastards!" but then I did some research.
It's the top rated sit-com, and brings 18.6 million viewers each episode. To compare, by the end of the Friends saga, each cast member was making 7-figures/episode, and that was 10 years ago. Now, I'm probably biased here, but I think they should at least be making the same per episode in 2013 that the cast members of Friends made in 2002. To quote Spock, "It's only logical."


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Autumn Adoration

Oh, how I love Fall. It truly is the best time of the year.

The weather is unbeatable. Although we're currently experiencing a heat wave (come on, this is still Nebraska) with temps approaching triple digits tomorrow, the Fall nights that I enjoy so much are just around the corner. Now that I have a home with a porch, I will enjoy many nights on my ultra comfy patio furniture with a glass of wine close by. The other thing I love is the changing colors of Fall. Just one of the many gifts from above.
Autumn Japanese garden with maple in Kyoto, Japan

School has started. This means high school Fall sports. Softball, football, and volleyball. Since my best friend is the head coach of the BC softball team, I always try to go to as many games as I can. Unfortunately, I think there are only three home games this year, so we'll have to see how everything will pan out. The other downfall with the schedule is that volleyball and softball games are usually on the same nights. My sister-in-law is one of the coaches for the volleyball team, so I like to watch them play as well. Also, it's fun to spend some QT with my brother and my niece. I have however vowed to never return to O'Neill's gymnasium until they decide to install air conditioning. What an awful night. I felt so bad for the girls in the court! It was boiling-lava-hot in there. Brittany was drenched in sweat. It was no fun. Then, of course, the BC boys return to the gridiron. After an appearance in the state final last November, I'm excited to see what these boys can do. Have to be there to cheer on my favorite player, #22!

Husker football. Need I say more? No, but I'm going to anyway. If anyone hasn't yet witnessed the Coach Pelini prank, you need to see it. I loved it.


The last thing I love about Fall, and one thing I miss most about living in Lincoln, is the comeback of the PSL. For those of you who are unfamiliar with that means Pumpkin Spice Latte.
hahaha, SO true! :)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


What an honor to be nominated for this award from a fellow blogger and bestie, That Olson Girl. Like her, I had no idea this award even existed, but I love the concept! Check it out!

The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. So, what is a Liebster?  The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. Isn't that sweet? Blogging is about building a community and it's a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about newer bloggers/blogs.

I blog because I enjoy it. I like sharing my opinions and thoughts on life and the events that fill my life. Sometimes my posts are personal, sentimental, reflective, funny, crazy, or totally random. That's just who I am. My blog is me! 

So to follow suit, I am going to answer the questions that were given to me. Ready, set, go!

1. If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
This is like asking "what's your favorite movie" because there's not one single answer. But I'm going to give an answer. Growing up, one of my favorite meals (that we still have as a family today) is grilled steak, homemade french fries, and chocolate malts. That's what I pick. 

2. Describe your favorite childhood memory.
Again, another difficult question, because I have so many great childhood memories. One of the best was spending my summers at the pool. Endless hours of going off the diving boards and playing "Shark" in "the red: a.k.a. the 12 foot." So fun. 

3. Which celebrity would you do anything to go on a date with?  Spill the details on why and what you would do.
I have many celeb crushes...but I am in love with Nathan Fillion. He plays Richard Castle on ABC's "Castle." He is so witty and charming, and so damn cute. I have no idea what we would do...I'd probably behave like a giddy school girl all night and not know what to do with myself. 

4. Would you rather do laundry or dishes? 
Curse you Cassie, you know I hate both. I'd have to say dishes, because laundry takes forever!! I hate every aspect of doing laundry. 

5. If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Right now, I'd really like to see Santorini, Greece. The pictures I've seen are absolutely breathtaking, an I'd love to take a trip (with a companion, of course). 

6. What is your favorite treat?
Easy. Ice cream. Hands down. No contest.

7. Which skill would you like to learn how to do?
I'd love to learn how to sew. I learned the basics when I was in middle school, but those skills have long left my memory. 

8. Favorite movie?
Did I not say this was too difficult to answer in question one? There are too many! It's impossible to pick one because there are too many different genres. The first one that comes to mind is Bridesmaids. Hilarious. 

9. If you could go back to any era for a month, which would it be and why?
I'd say the 40's. Love the style of the era, the cars, and the way a gentleman treated a lady.

10. The best advice you were ever given?
I've received a lot of good advice over the years. A former boss of mine would always tell me that work should be one of the lowest priorities on your list. There are so many more important things in life. Do what you want to do when you want to do it. Go see places. Do fun things. You never know what tomorrow might hold, so take every opportunity you can. Work is not my life. It's a part of life, but my family and friends are my life. They are who I love and what makes me happy. Time spent with them is never wasted. 

11. What was your favorite place to go in college?
4th and Adams. The good times never ceased. A group of my guy friends lived there and there was never a dull moment. I so miss those carefree days.What wonderful memories!! 

So that's the last question. Time to pose 11 new questions to some other bloggers! I don't know many other bloggers, but two that I read on a regular basis belong to some friends of mine. I'm passing the torch to you Joanna and Bonnie

Here are your questions:
1. What is your favorite season? Elaborate, please.
2. Describe one of your biggest pet peeves. 
3. You just won $1,000,000. What do you do with your winnings?
4. Fill in the blanks. I couldn't live without _________ because __________. 
5. Who is your favorite sports team?
6. What lesson did you learn the hard way?
7. If you could pick a different career, what would it be?
8. What is the craziest food you've ever tried? Was it awful or wonderful?
9. Where was your last vacation spot? 
10. Silver or gold?
11. If you could share one piece of advice with the world, what would it be?

Can't wait to see what you gals come up with. :) 


Friday, August 16, 2013

Is it 4 yet?

Busy day at the office. We had my co-worker's retirement party this morning. Any of my friends will tell you that I'm the "planner" in our circle. I like to have things in line, organized, ready-to-go. I plan. I schedule. I make lists. Lots and lots of lists. It's how I keep a shred of sanity when there's an event or party to be had. Maybe it's because I don't have a very good memory. Who knows?
Anyway, I was responsible for this party today. It went great, however, in typical Sheila-fashion, I hardly got a wink of sleep last night. I can't help myself from worrying about something that could go wrong. I hate to think how sleep-deprived I'll be for my wedding some day. I also like to do things myself, because that way I know it will be done how I want. At least I know I have a problem. I always have terrible dreams before these things too. Last night was no exception. In my dream, I showed up 30 minutes late. When I got to work, the cake was destroyed. I have no idea what happened. That's really all I remembered from the dream. But, of course, things went just fine. The same kind of dreams happened when I was renovating my house. Anything that could go wrong, did. But when the actual even comes, things go just fine. So now, I'm really sleepy and could use a good nap. I just have to stay awake through these next 3 hours, then I can go home and snooze on my comfy couch.

Just wanted to share a fun story from this morning. One of the guys was leaving the party, and I had to go grab some more nuts from Dollar General. I walked out the door and here he is, carrying a fluffy kitten in his hand. I said, "Scott! Why do you have a kitten?" He said, "It's a good thing I do my walk around before getting in my truck. This guy was sitting on my tire!" Scott drives a BIG truck for the company. The kitten was so cute, I wanted to take him home. Seriously. We found a place to set him down, now I'm just praying that the next person to come across him has a kind heart. Anyway, that was some excitement to my day. A cuddly kitten who wanted to come home with me.

Happy Friday y'all.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Bad Timing

Note: This post contains TMI at times......just preparing you ahead of time.
As if I didn't have enough going on in my life right now, add an emergency appendectomy to the list.
Last Wednesday night, out of the blue, I was in an unbearable amount of pain. I finally had my mom take me to the ER to see what the heck was going on around 10:00 p.m. We waited for blood test to come back from the lab which showed elevated white blood cell count...but that still didn't reveal much about what was causing me pain. Since my pain was right below my chest, the doc thought maybe a "GI cocktail" might give me some relief. Wrong. And, don't let the name fool you. It was the most awful tasting cocktail I've ever had. After waiting 90 minutes with no relief I was admitted, hooked up to an IV, and finally got some morphine to relieve my pain. I was miserable. It was decided that I would get a scan in the morning, so I had to start drinking some awful stuff to make my insides glow so we could see what the problem was. Took my fist dose of berry flavored yuckiness around 12:30. I was on a fluid drip, so of course, I was up every 60-90 minutes to relieve my poor bladder. I got an hour power nap in there, but woke up around 2:00 a.m. The only good thing about waking up at that hour is that The People's Court is on! Entertainment! More brief moments of sleep passed mixed with getting up to use the bathroom. Finally, 5:00 a.m. rolled around. More blood work. At this point, both arms had been poked and prodded. I still have the bruises to prove it, but I figured, what the hell. Anything that is an attempt to make me feel better is worth it. Also, I needed another 5 ounces of that berry crap. Then more at 6:30. More at 7:00. And  finally, more at 7:30, minutes before my scan.
At this point, the morphine had masked some of my pain, I was feeling much better than the 8 hours prior. I decided to let Bex and Cass know that I was in the hospital since mom had already notified my family. I took a picture of my IV. I said, "In hospital. Doing OK. More details later." They were both like, "WHAT?!" Since Cass lives in the same zip code, she came out to the hospital and kept me company and ran an errand for me. Mom had run home to get dad going. The doctor came back and told me that I had acute appendicitis and my appendix needed to come out as soon as possible. So, it was off to Grand Island to have surgery.
After stopping at my house to grab my favorite blanket, mom and I hit the road. We got all checked in, and it wasn't long before I was called back to my room to answer a long list of questions and get prepped for the procedure. After about an hour of surgery, my angry appendix was out, no longer able to cause me pain. Little did I know that I would be in a whole new category of pain post surgery.
I was exhausted. I was trying so hard to open my eyes. I. could. not. do. it. I tried, but was just sitting there like a zombie. I only remember brief pieces of conversation between my mom and the nurse...but remembered hearing, "here comes Sleeping Beauty." Very funny. The it got a whole lot NOT funny. I did not react well to the anesthesia and well, you can imagine what happened next. Needed a wardrobe change as my access to a puke bag was not readily available. The nurse immediately came back and gave me a shot to stop the nausea. As you can imagine, having surgery in an area close to your stomach combined with vomiting was NOT an enjoyable experience. I just sat there and cried.
Then the nurse said, "Okay, time to use the bathroom and eat something! I can't give you any pain meds until you eat something." Great. Another hurdle. Pain, pain, and more pain. I was hungry and thirsty as I couldn't eat or drink anything before surgery. I had never been so happy to eat orange jello and drink water! But, I made it, and I finally got the okay to head back home. My wonderful mother loaded me in the car, stopped at Walgreens to get my prescriptions, and even got me a chocolate shake when we went through Central City. I couldn't swallow very well due to the breathing tube they used during surgery, so the ice cream went down smooth.
I got home to be greeted by my family. It was good to be home, but I was so very sore. Getting into and out of seats and bed has proved to be my most difficult tasks, but it gets easier every day. Time heals all wounds, as they say.

Needless to say, all of the plans I had to work on the house (get it prepped for new flooring that was coming Monday) went out the window. Mom, Teresa, Joel, and Angie were just wonderful in helping me get done what I needed (and by helping me, I mean them doing the work, me watching). Cassie has also been a wonderful friend, constantly checking in on me and keeping me entertained with movies and Mario. :) So, thank you to everyone for all of your get well wishes and prayers. They made this process a bit less painful. I am on the mend and can't wait until I am able to function pain free (which I know will be soon)! Moving day is Saturday, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to do more than supervise.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I can't do it

I just can't. I have avoided viewing any articles talking about the 19 firefighters who lost their lives in the Arizona blaze. I knew I wouldn't be able to stomach all the images and videos of crying widows, children, family and community members. I caved today and have watched a few. But that unveiled a new "can't." I can't watch anything about it without getting weepy. The lump in my throat grows each time I see a new article. My heart is aching for those people.
It's times like these when I reflect on how thankful I am for the life I have. Is every day good? No. But there is good in every day. I know I've talked about that statement before...but it is one of my favorites. As you're enjoying you day off tomorrow, take a minute to send up a prayer or think about those who just lost their daddy, hubby, son, brother, friend, etc. Life is a gift, and you're only here for a short while. How does the saying go? "Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery. Today is a gift, that's why it's called the present." Kind of corny, but true.Okay, that's enough of the heavy.

I wish everyone a fun and safe Independence Day. I am super excited for a day off of work to do whatever I please. I'll be putting on coat number two of paint at the house in the morning, but after that, I will have some fun in the sun followed by burgers, family time, and fireworks. My sweet B has her 4th birthday party on Saturday. I can't believe that she'll be going to preschool in the Fall! Seems like yesterday she was calling me "Shasha" and dancing to Sesame Street's "Ladybug Picnic".


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Defining Lazy

I'm pretty sure that you could look up the definition of lazy and find my picture. I have felt beyond lazy  for over a week now. Sluggish, unmotivated, lethargic, slow-moving (well, that's all the time). Let me enlighten you.
Example 1
This weekend, I finally had a clear calendar. No events going on that required my attendance. Perfect weekend to work on the house, right? Wrong! Instead of sanding walls and stripping wallpaper, I thought it was a better idea to sit on my couch. All. Day. Now, I did dust my rental and clean the kitchen, but that was about it for Saturday. Besides, I had all day Sunday to do stuff. So Sunday arrives. Again, I'm thinking of everything I can do that doesn't involve working on the house. So, an impromptu trip to Norfolk sounds like a great plan. In my defense, I did need to get out of town to get my mom and niece some birthday gifts. So, at least I can cross something off my list. But instead of doing some laundry or unloading the dishwasher when I got home, I decided I wanted to hang out with Cassie. My laziness must have rubbed off on her, because we went to Pump and Pantry and rented 2 movies. I remember saying to Cass, "I love our Sundays."
Example 2
I'm not one of those people who can reuse a bath towel after I've dried off with it. It grosses me out. So, I feel like I'm constantly washing towels. Anyway, after I got home from work, I got some groceries and took my mom her birthday gift. I came home and dove into a banana bread recipe because I had 3 very brown bananas that were stinking up the place. (How can something so icky make bread that is so good?? Oh yes, now I remember. Adding sugar and butter usually does the trick.) When the bread was in the oven, I threw a load of towels in the washing machine. Cassie had just returned from Norfolk and was eager to show me her purchases. Once I switched the towels over to the dryer, I took off for her house. After a leisurely bike ride to see my blooming tiger lilies (they are gorgeous) we went back to her house and played some Mario Brothers. I love us. We just refuse to grow up! Anyway, my bedtime approached and I rode my bike back home and convinced myself I was too tired to walk down 10 stairs and change my laundry over to the dryer. I wasn't too tired, however, to track radar of the approaching storm and soak in the glory that was the sound of thunder and rain which eventually lulled me to sleepy-town. Ahhhh.
Example 3
I wake up this morning at 6:20 a.m. so I was already running behind. I jump in the shower and remember that ALL of my towels are in the basement, because I was too lazy to go down last night and bring them upstairs. Instead, I dried off with 2 hand towels. Yeah, that's what laziness gets you. It probably just added time to my morning routine.
I think laziness and procrastination go hand in hand. I did myself no favors in college either...always waiting until the last minute to do things. Then I heard a quote one day that was just perfect. "Procrastination is like masturbation. It feels good at the time, but in the end, you're just screwing yourself." Yes, a little inappropriate, but accurate. And if that offends you in any way, you probably shouldn't be reading my blog. I just don't see a cure for laziness in my future. And I think I'm okay with that for now. If I had enough ambition to search for a cure, I'd probably put it off until tomorrow.

But before I sign off here, I'd like to wish my fabulous mother Sally a very happy birthday! She is simply the best and deserves to have the best day ever!


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Kickin' Butts and Sinkin' Putts

It's amazing what one golf lesson from Joel can do for your golf game. Swing with half the speed you want to, head in a vice. Then when you're teeing off, just repeat to yourself over and over, "head in a vice. head in a vice." I haven't golfed in 2 or 3 years, but I actually didn't play too bad this year in the UNL Campus Rec Alumni Golf Scramble. I had the help of some of the best teammates pictured below. That's me on the left, my brother Joel, my sister Teresa, and my cousin Katie.
I didn't have high expectations for myself....mainly just went because I thought we'd have fun. Who knew that I'd walk away with a pin prize for longest putt made on the green (women only)...
and better yet, a 2nd place team finish in the mixed division?!??
We finished 6 under par. Even had an eagle on a par 5! I still don't think it was quite fair that the team who beat us had a girl playing who had played on the UNL golf team.

Anyway, the day was a huge success with many applications of sunscreen. Definitely a better showing than in years past. (My apologies to the Obermeiers and other former teammates...ha ha.) It was a beautiful day for golf. A bit hot, but there was a breeze. A good time was had by all.
That's all for today, just wanted to share our triumph. I've never seen a team more proud to wear silver. I have a feeling we'll be back next year to shoot for gold. 


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summer Love

I love many things about summer. Why not dedicate a post to those things? Sounds like a good idea to me. 
I love baseball. And softball. I've  yet to catch a softball game this summer, but I've made a few baseball games. Last night, in the 90 degree heat, Cass and I went down to the field to watch the seniors play. They beat Seward 4-0. Seward, by the way, gets the award for the ugliest uniforms I have ever seen. Wow. I hope those were donated and they didn't have to pay for them. Baseball makes me think of summers when I was in high school. Me and the girls would load up in "The Brown Turd" (Becky's car) and head to wherever the boys were playing. Ord, St. Paul, Columbus, you name it. We loved watching our boys play, and I still love it today. We would blare the radio and roll the windows down, tossing every care in the world aside.
I love fun in the sun. As a child, I embodied the term "pool rat." I lived at the pool, only going home for meal times. I would literally ride my bike to the pool, with nothing but my swimsuit and towel. Shoes optional. Hours upon hours of playing Shark in the 12ft, diving off the boards (that was back in the day when the high board was actually high) and basking in summer glory. During middle and high school, my family had a SeaDoo. We'd load up the vehicle and drive to Calamus to spend an entire Saturday or Sunday at the lake. Now my fun in the sun consists of laying out with Cass at the pit or, my most recent endeavor, going to Stiers Lake in Columbus. Paradise. My friend Scott is in Med school and is doing a rotation near Columbus. He's staying at a relative's house who lives on the lake. So, Cass and I packed our bags for a relaxing day on the lake. We pull into the driveway and this house is unbelievable. The people were even more unbelievable. The nicest people you will ever meet. Such hospitable, interesting folks. I wish we could have been there all weekend. It was such a wonderful day!
I love my friends. They are the best. Willing to help me out whenever I need them. I am doing some home renovations right now, and I don't know what I would do without them. Last weekend we stripped a bunch of wallpaper. Word to the wise, if you ever need to do this, I cannot stress enough how much easier your life will be if you use a steamer. It is a godsend. One of the best creations on this earth. Also, this is not a solo project. Have someone help you. Not only are my friends willing to help me when I need it, but they're always up for a good time. Though we're not as young as we used to be (like we're old...we're not even 30 yet!) we still know how to have good fun. I love them unconditionally.
I love the Drive-In. Nestled in Neligh, NE, there is a gem. It's the Starlite Drive-In. It shows 2 movies and has some of the best concessions food ever. I would highly recommend the chili cheese fries! Be prepared for a long night though if you choose to stay for both movies. With the first one beginning at sundown (usually around 9:30pm), you will be out well past bedtime. So happy to have a Drive-In so close to home! You just don't see many of them around anymore.
I love to grill. I am a year-round griller. I love the taste of grilled food. Steak, chicken, burgers, veggies, you name it. The other thing I love about grilling is that it's commonly done with friends...and beer! Is there a better combination? Ha!

I will conclude my list I could probably ramble on for hours. Happy Summer!! :)


Friday, May 24, 2013

Story time with Sheila

I cannot imagine going through what the people of Moore, OK have had to endure this week. Just like the people of Joplin, MO experienced almost 2 years ago (almost 2 years exactly). You never expect something of that magnitude to happen to you, until it does. It doesn't seem real. Maybe I am just too sheltered in my little town? I have tried to put myself in their shoes these past few days...going to work and coming home to nothing. All of your belongings, gone. Your house, gone. Car, gone. Everything, gone. Can you imagine? Where do you begin? How do you begin? Something I hope I never have to experience, but if I have learned anything from the happenings in 2013, it's that you never know when the curve ball is coming. To quote the cliche, expect the unexpected. Or, a quote from the film Night of the Twisters, "Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst." 
I have had an infatuation with weather since 2nd grade, when I was the only student in Mrs. Harder's class to get a 100% on our weather/climate unit. It's one of those memories that I will never forget, because she made a big deal out of it. Admittedly, I was a very proud 2nd grader that day. To me, weather is exhilarating and terrifying. It gets my adrenaline going. Commence story time.
Grandma B's Farm: Albion, NE circa 1993: Saw my first ever funnel cloud. Mom and Dad left me with Grandma as they headed to one of Joel's games. It was a beautiful blue sky  with this perfect funnel dipping out of the clouds. Grandma yelled at my uncle John and cousin Scott to get their behinds indoors. I had to go inside into the storm cellar. I hated that place. Crickets everywhere. Not much happened that day. 
Church Camp at Camp Fontanelle: Nickerson, NE circa 1996: The first time I remember being completely terrified. We were in a tornado warning with no underground shelter. A tornado was reported on the ground near Fremont and heading directly towards us. The camp staff had us all in an interior room on the lowest floor available...singing "Kum By Yah." By the grace of God, we just got some nasty wind, lightning and thunder. We escaped unscathed. 
Working at UNL Campus Rec: Lincoln, Nebraska, 6/11/08: I know this date because it was the day an EF3 tornado hit the Little Sioux Scout Ranch killing 4 boyscouts. It was around 6pm, I was getting ready to leave for the day...severe weather looming. At the time, I lived on a 3rd floor apartment, so I didn't really want to go home because my best option for shelter was our garden level laundry room...I felt much safer at the Rec. I had been listening to our weather radio and checking radar all afternoon, and then we were put in a tornado warning. After issuing the alert on the Rec's loud speaker for everyone to take shelter, I stayed near the front to direct traffic. I turn on "beast mode" when situations like this occur at work due to my pumping adrenaline. I had no problem telling the racquetball players who were reluctant to take cover (because their game was more important) that they had 2 options: take shelter, or leave. If they didn't select an option, I would revoke their membership indefinitely. They chose to take shelter. Sheila: 1. Jerks: 0. I have never seen it rain that hard. Once the sirens went off, I made way to the locker room to take cover. We were there for about 30 minutes, and then got the all clear. I couldn't leave work, however, because there was significant flash flooding. I waited it out at the Rec...and then a second tornado warning was issues. Back to the locker room. After the second all clear, I decided to head home (it was now about 8pm). My Kia Sorento (an SUV) was parked on the west side of the 14th street parking garage. To get to my car, I had to wade through water that at one point reached my hips. I couldn't tell where the curb ended and the grass I made my best guess at where to walk. I made the wrong choice. My right foot sunk down into the saturated soil, swallowing my flip flop. I managed to pull my foot up, flip flop included. I was soaking wet, but eventually made it home safe and sound. 
Becky's house: Lincoln, NE: Summer of 2011: When I lived in Lincoln at my friend Becky's house, another friend of mine, Danielle, had come to visit Lincoln. We went out to eat, and watched a movie. She left around 10pm and headed to her sister's house for the night. I wasn't quite ready for bed, so I watched one of the 5 channels that we received with our bunny ears. Severe weather was heading out of Seward County into Lancaster. Just thunderstorms, but then I saw the screen flash from yellow to red. Tornado warning for Lancaster county. I turned up the TV so I could hear it as I took shelter in another room. I had my phone with me looking at the radar. Then I heard Ken Siemek from 10/11 say that a funnel was sighted near the Lincoln airport...which just so happen to be Becky's back yard. I started freaking out, the wind picked up and hail was pelting the front door and windows. I was spooked. It was almost midnight...but I needed to talk to someone to try and calm me down. Becky wasn't home, so I think I was freaking out more because I was alone. I tried calling my mom. Ring ring answer. Called Becky who answered. Thank God. I'm sure she called me a freak or something...but I was glad to talk to another human being. The tornado warning expired, and I went to bed, my heart still pounding. The next morning I try to call my mom again. Finally, an answer. 
Me: "Thanks for answering the phone last night when I tried to call you!"
Mom: "Well, I thought I heard the phone ringing...but I just didn't get to it in time.Then I looked at the caller ID and saw you tried to call and figured you would call back."
Me: "YEAH, I KNOW! I was freaking out because Ken Siemek said a funnel was spotted by the airport last night! I needed someone to calm me down!"
Mom: "Oh honey! I'm so sorry! I feel so bad!"
Me: "Next time call me back! I don't call you at midnight unless I really need you!"
--But, I made it out alive, again. Mom felt pretty bad, and I had no problem letting her feel that way for a while. Ha ha. 
That's the last noteworthy story I've got. I'd love to hear of any close call stories you have. 
Weather: GOOD. Stories: GOOD. Weather stories: GREAT. :)

But in all seriousness, you just can't underestimate the power of Mother Nature. Warnings are issued for a reason. Maybe I take things a little too seriously sometimes, but I know the ONE TIME I don't, I will be wishing I had. As the adage goes, better safe than sorry! Please keep the people of Moore in your thoughts and prayers as they try to restore some order to their lives, once piece at a time.


Monday, May 13, 2013

Thong weather and BG purchases

No, not that type of thong....perhaps the more appropriate term would be flip-flop. When I was growing up, they were called thongs. Now thongs have a whole new meaning (butt-floss has got to be my favorite definition), and in order to avoid weird looks and raised eyebrows, I have altered my vocabulary to use flip-flops instead of thongs. Anyway, with the rising temps, more and more people dig out their flip flops. Every foot doctor's nightmare, every girl's dream (unless you're my mother and can't stand the feeling of something between your toes). I love flip flops. So many styles and colors, so simply designed. But that simple design is also the flip flop's demise. They are terrible for your feet. But so are high heels and women wear those too. I just don't think I'd ever be able to kick my flip flop addiction. Especially now that warmer weather has arrived.

As expected, Nebraska has skipped right over Spring, much to my dismay. Today's forecast has predicted a high near 90 degrees, tomorrow around 96 degrees. That is too hot for May. I want a month of 70-80 degree weather before we hit this 90 degree crap. That's July weather! Nevertheless, the fine people of Albion have dusted off their garden tools and brought their mowers out of hibernation to get their fix. Myself included. I will be leaving my rental in the next few months to move into my grandma's house. Outside she has a yard light surrounded by a brick planter. I have planted some annuals there to spruce up the curb appeal. Today the grass will get its first cut of  the year. The place will look great.

Not only will the place look great on the outside, but it will also look great on the inside as I purchased some new furniture this weekend! I am in love. I got everything in this pic, minus the ugly coffee table in the center.
Check out that ottoman! The top comes off and there's storage underneath! L-O-V-E! I can't wait! I haven't done a lot of furniture shopping in my day, so I'm not too familiar with what brands are out there, but this is England. I got it at Deets in Norfolk, NE. Thank you to Brenda at Deets for being so helpful! I love how modern this looks, very ME. I am considering returning to the store and getting a recliner as well. Might as well, considering they have 50 months no interest financing right now. Financing is the best, as long as you don't go crazy. But, I am excited. I like to call these BG purchases (big-girl purchases). Other future BG purchases will include new flooring throughout the main floor of the house. Got some samples picked out, now to get the measurements and estimates! The home improvement never ceases. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Putting the Bang in "The Big Bang Theory"

As I sit here wishing away the pain that is my low-grade migraine, I realize that I am falling back in old habits of not posting on my beloved blog. Most of my Monday has majorly sucked the big one, so this is a step toward making it better. So without further ado, here we go. 

I love TBS's "The Big Bang Theory." Love the comedy, the relationships, everything about it. But most of all, I love Kaley Cuoco who brings life the the character Penny. In the show, she's a Nebraska gal who moved to Cali looking for her big break as an actress after a rough breakup with her loser boyfriend. Of course, her on-screen Nebraska ties make me love her even more (even though she's a true California girl). 
Anyway, she was recently on Jimmy Kimmel talking about her appearance a the SAG Awards. She decided to rock some bangs to cover up a mishap while filming the show. It is definitely not traditional Kaley, but she received so much flack about this hair style. There's a video clip of her on Kimmel where she reads some of the reviews...they are funny. I was watching the TV Guide scroll yesterday and they were doing a segment on Meryl Streep, and they talked about how Meryl said, "my appearance has never defined me, my acting has" and I think this is how Kaley should approach the bang situation. She is definitely one of my top 5 favorite actresses, no matter how she wears her hair to an awards show. 

It just made me think about the things women do to keep up appearances...coloring our hair, getting our nails done, accessorizing to deal with those bad hair days, you name it. Always doing what we can to make sure we're looking our best. Wouldn't want anyone to comment on our unwashed hair, or God forbid, our decision to wear bangs to cover an unfortunate black eye. 

It also makes me think kids who want to be movie stars when they grow up. That was never a dream of mine, but life in the lime light isn't always what it's cracked up to be (in my opinion). Your right to privacy is non-existent. You are criticized every second of every day. Everything is blown out of proportion. The paycheck may be nice, but is it worth it? Maybe some people like the constant attention, but I just don't think that's a lifestyle I could handle. I enjoy my life out of the public eye. I would hate to see a headline like, "Local authorities called to Sup residence after screams heard by neighbors." When what really happened was an intense game of Mario Kart in which Cassie hits me with a blue shell as I am inches away from the finish line...I would be screaming "Hooker" or "Whore" at her or something. (Yes, we are serious about Mario Kart...especially if wine has been consumed. I can see a new headline now: "Actress promotes drunken driving.") Maybe I wouldn't be playing Mario Kart if I were famous.......nah, yes I would. Mario Kart rules. 

And as I finish these last few words, my low-grade migraine has been demoted to a headache. You see? My blog is medicine. You're welcome. 


Sunday, April 21, 2013

That sums it up

"It is terrible what happened in Boston, but we can't look back, we must look forward," an out-of-breath Hamerlak told The Associated Press moments after crossing the finish line. "The show must go on."
The London marathon concluded just as any marathon should. Runners crossing the finish line, spectators cheering on their loved ones, people enjoying the London explosions, no bloodied bodies, no life-loss, no suspects on the run. This quote from an article I read on Fox just resonated with me. We've got to press forward. Awful things happen every's been a rough week for America. I heard a quote once that I've carried with me for some time "Not every day is good, but there is good in every day." At the very least, you can consider yourself blessed that you woke up to live another day. That's better than the alternative, right?

Take a second and find some good in today. I've already found so much good in mine: the sun in shining, I bought pretzel bread from Hy-Vee and damn it is tasty, I slept in.....and I've only been awake for 2 hours.


Thursday, April 18, 2013


Resilient. One of the most fitting words to describe the people of America. We look at devastation and heartbreak head-on and come together to reflect on the events, remember those who lost their lives, and hope for a better tomorrow. I came across a video this morning that was too touching not to share.
I'm not a die-hard hockey fan, although I do enjoy going to the occasional Lincoln Stars hockey game, but the actions of the Boston Bruins (players and fans alike) during the singing of our National Anthem just made me gain back the faith in humanity that I lost on the day of the Boston Marathon bombing. Check it out:
Heartwarming, right?

This morning I learned of the explosion at the fertilizer plant in West, Texas. Though not an act of terrorism like the events earlier this week, it was equally unsettling. Innocent lives lost and many, many more injured. A devastating loss to a small Texas community. But, you know how people will respond: reflection, remembrance, and hope....resilience.

I know this is so cliche, but you really can't take a single day of precious life for granted. You never know when something is going to happen. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, it's a gift. But, I also think that you can't go through life worrying that something might happen. Just make today a good one.


Monday, April 15, 2013

WTF World?!

Okay, so today is a 2-post kind of day.
Immediately following my first post, I heard about the Boston Marathon bombing. My heart rate picked up, my thoughts instantly turned to Christopher Dulak, a good friend of mine who is an avid marathon runner. Thankfully, he is out of the country (just completed the Paris marathon about a week ago) and is safe from harm.
As I viewed the clip of the bombing on MSN, my eyes filled with tears. What the hell kind of world do we live in? We are constantly living from tragedy to tragedy and just hoping we aren't in the wrong place at the wrong time. These runners woke up this morning thinking, "Focus. One mile at a time. Set a good pace...etc," not, "I hope no one shoots me or blows up the place...don't die." It's just revolting that once again, innocent lives have been lost. What can we do to change things? Someone tell me.
So many emotions....sadness, anger, disgust, fear........and yet, hope.

My most sincere thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved. Another sad day in America.



$1078.00 was the average price of _____________ in 2012. Any guesses? 
You might be surprised (I was flabbergasted) to hear this is the average amount people are spending on prom! Wow. Anyone else think that is ridiculously high? According to this article
that amount is up from the average $807.00 spent in 2011. 

I've been out of high school for nearly 10 years now, and my first reaction was, "there is no way I would ever spend that much on prom! Are you kidding me?" Then I started doing my own breakdown:
Dress: $120.00 (10 years ago, the plus size gals didn't have much of a selection, so you bought an expensive dress or you wore whatever else you could get your hands on)
Manicure: $25.00
Hair: $25.00
Tanning package: ? Have no idea what I spent, but couldn't use it after 2 trips to the salon...bad reaction to the bulbs (God intended me to be pasty white for a reason, I suppose). 
Boutonniere: $10? Not sure. Pretty sure my mom paid for this.
That's just the things I can remember, but I'm sure I'm being modest. I know I didn't spend over $150 on a dress. It does add up quickly, and you don't even realize it. That's a lot of money for a high school student (assuming he/she has no assistance from the parental units). 
To you high school girls out there, let me tell you never ends. When you're in college, you'll go to formals. Then your girlfriends will all start getting married. Then you spend even more money on bridal showers, bachelorette parties, bridesmaid dresses, wedding gifts. Then those friends have babies. Then you buy gifts for their babies. Not to mention that almost every woman is programmed to think, "I have nothing to wear to _____, so I'll have to buy a new outfit." Or, "I always wear this dress, I think I need a new one." Or, "There are too many pictures on Facebook of me in that outfit. Time for a new one." It's a vicious cycle! Wow, it's kind of depressing when you stop and think about it.
Maybe you should start being a bitch to everyone you meet so they don't ask you to be in their wedding. God knows I have served my time as a bridesmaid (though each occasion was extremely fun). 
A blessing and a curse. Just found this article extremely interesting and eye-opening. Enjoy. 


Friday, April 12, 2013

It's Friday

Can I get a hell yeah?

It has seemed like such a long week, and I'm ready for some R&R. It's a sloppy mess outside, but at least the sun is shining. Can't complain about that.

On a serious note...
Yesterday I came across a disturbing article that one of my Facebook friends posted that made me lose some faith in humanity. I hadn't even heard about Dr. Kermit Gosnell until yesterday. Before I go on, I just want to caution you, this subject matter may be disturbing to anyone with a heart. Consider yourself warned.

Dr. Gosnell ran a "women's clinic" in West Philly. The popular practice here was late-term abortions. I'm talking 6lb babies being delivered and executed. With scissors. The articles and reports that I've read have literally made me sick to my stomach (I'll post a few below). It is churning as I type. I just can't believe we live in a world where people think it's okay to do this. Dr. Gosnell has been referred to as a modern-day Hitler. Rightfully so. Each article I've read as encouraged readers to get the word out, so that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm not looking for a political or religious debate on abortion. Simply sharing with everyone what's happening in the world we live in. I will continue to follow the trial to see the outcome.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Renovation & Rejuvenation

It's time to bring back the blog. I've created a whole new blog from scratch, and ditched the "supinlincoln" label since I am no longer residing in the capital city. In May of 2012, I moved back home to start a new chapter in my life. It seemed only right that I have a fresh start with a new blog. A whole new me...well, not really. We'll call it Sheila 2.0.
So, why even blog at all? I have a head full of thoughts. If you don't care about my thoughts, that's fine. Stop reading. This is just my way of getting thoughts out of my head and on "paper" so I can start thinking about other things. I've never been a quiet person, and I've always had a lot to say. Most times, I reserve my opinion on certain topics either because I don't want to be attacked by an even stronger opinionated person or because my education on the subject matter is limited. I also don't like to be wrong (it happens so rarely...ha ha). Everyone has something to say, and a blog is one avenue to be heard.

Every morning at work, I check MSN and 10/11 to catch up on my news. I like because they have lots of pictures, and I'm a visual person, so a picture is going to capture my attention rather than a headline. Anyway, I came across this article about how my generation (Generation Y, a.k.a. Millennials) is getting married later in life. I find this a constant topic of conversation among my circle of friends. Only a few of my friends are married, and we're inching closer and closer to our 3rd decade of life. I remember thinking when I started college that I would find a guy and then get married right after I graduated college. It seemed like the order of life was, go to college, find man to marry, graduate college, get married, find job, buy a house, start a family. It just hasn't happened that way. I think more and more of my generation has put marriage, or searching for a soul mate on the back burner. I've been told countless times, "you'll find someone when you're not looking" so I've started searching for something else...a house (along with a hundred other people in this town who are doing the same thing, that's a whole story by itself). But, I thought this article had some interesting points for my fellow GenYs. Here's the link to the article:

Changing directions, I have to comment on the recent storm that blew through Boone County the past few days. I've always been fascinated with weather. Never in my life have I witnessed the events that transpired Tuesday after I got home from work. After scraping a nice layer of ice off of my car windows, I made it home and put my car in the garage. An hour or so later, I heard the roll of thunder. An icy/sleet mix had been falling from the sky all day, but then the thunder and lightning came. I'm not talk a low rumble of thunder and the occasional flash of lightning. I'm talking thunderstorm grade. Then, I hear the hail. Dime-sized hail began pouring from the sky, not mixed with rain or anything, just hail. Lots of it. For a solid 15 minutes. It was crazy. I felt like I was watching "The Day After Tomorrow" all over again, except it wasn't crushing vehicles and killing pedestrians. :) So, I am now geared up for severe weather season. There is no need for my friends to purchase weather radios, as they receive texts and phone calls from me when the threat of severe weather is looming. Just one of the perks (if you can call it that) of being my friend. They are so lucky!
