Monday, September 23, 2013

TV Talk

John Lennon once said "time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." I find astounding truth in this quote, and was a living example of it yesterday. After a very restful sleep, I got a text from a very eager Cab, wanting to watch a movie. One movie turned into four. Four awesome movies that kept us wanting more. More weekend, that is. Just one more day to do nothing. Veg out. Lay around. Relax. Enjoy the cinematic genius that is The Avengers. The nerd in me came out in full force. After we watched The Avengers I got my first taste of Captain America. It did not disappoint. My watch list is full of Avengers: Iron Man (all 3), The Incredible Hulk, and Thor. I'm sure we'll have them all watched by the end of the week. In case you were wondering, yes, we are that cool.
One wonderful thing about Fall is premiere week. All of my favorite shows return to television. (The first step is admitting that you have a problem.) While there are many shows that I don't like to miss, my top three are Castle on Mondays, The Big Bang Theory on Thursdays, and  Revenge on Sundays. It amazes me how people can come up with this stuff. Admittedly, I am a nerd, and I like to watch the extras. Seeing how much work goes in to one action scene of Castle had me in disbelief.
Recently, I saw an article online about the cast of Big Bang reporting that the cast members were seeking raises. The original post I read stated that they make $350,000/episode and were requesting $1,000,000/episode, similar to the request that the cast of Friends made back in 2002. Now, that's a lot of green, and my first thought was "Geez! You greedy bastards!" but then I did some research.
It's the top rated sit-com, and brings 18.6 million viewers each episode. To compare, by the end of the Friends saga, each cast member was making 7-figures/episode, and that was 10 years ago. Now, I'm probably biased here, but I think they should at least be making the same per episode in 2013 that the cast members of Friends made in 2002. To quote Spock, "It's only logical."


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