Thursday, April 11, 2013

Renovation & Rejuvenation

It's time to bring back the blog. I've created a whole new blog from scratch, and ditched the "supinlincoln" label since I am no longer residing in the capital city. In May of 2012, I moved back home to start a new chapter in my life. It seemed only right that I have a fresh start with a new blog. A whole new me...well, not really. We'll call it Sheila 2.0.
So, why even blog at all? I have a head full of thoughts. If you don't care about my thoughts, that's fine. Stop reading. This is just my way of getting thoughts out of my head and on "paper" so I can start thinking about other things. I've never been a quiet person, and I've always had a lot to say. Most times, I reserve my opinion on certain topics either because I don't want to be attacked by an even stronger opinionated person or because my education on the subject matter is limited. I also don't like to be wrong (it happens so rarely...ha ha). Everyone has something to say, and a blog is one avenue to be heard.

Every morning at work, I check MSN and 10/11 to catch up on my news. I like because they have lots of pictures, and I'm a visual person, so a picture is going to capture my attention rather than a headline. Anyway, I came across this article about how my generation (Generation Y, a.k.a. Millennials) is getting married later in life. I find this a constant topic of conversation among my circle of friends. Only a few of my friends are married, and we're inching closer and closer to our 3rd decade of life. I remember thinking when I started college that I would find a guy and then get married right after I graduated college. It seemed like the order of life was, go to college, find man to marry, graduate college, get married, find job, buy a house, start a family. It just hasn't happened that way. I think more and more of my generation has put marriage, or searching for a soul mate on the back burner. I've been told countless times, "you'll find someone when you're not looking" so I've started searching for something else...a house (along with a hundred other people in this town who are doing the same thing, that's a whole story by itself). But, I thought this article had some interesting points for my fellow GenYs. Here's the link to the article:

Changing directions, I have to comment on the recent storm that blew through Boone County the past few days. I've always been fascinated with weather. Never in my life have I witnessed the events that transpired Tuesday after I got home from work. After scraping a nice layer of ice off of my car windows, I made it home and put my car in the garage. An hour or so later, I heard the roll of thunder. An icy/sleet mix had been falling from the sky all day, but then the thunder and lightning came. I'm not talk a low rumble of thunder and the occasional flash of lightning. I'm talking thunderstorm grade. Then, I hear the hail. Dime-sized hail began pouring from the sky, not mixed with rain or anything, just hail. Lots of it. For a solid 15 minutes. It was crazy. I felt like I was watching "The Day After Tomorrow" all over again, except it wasn't crushing vehicles and killing pedestrians. :) So, I am now geared up for severe weather season. There is no need for my friends to purchase weather radios, as they receive texts and phone calls from me when the threat of severe weather is looming. Just one of the perks (if you can call it that) of being my friend. They are so lucky!


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