With all of the violence and tragedy surrounding us these days, it's easy to feel helpless. It's easy to feel like you're just a spectator. It's easy to feel like you aren't able to make a difference. But, you want you. You wish there was something, anything you could do that might make someone's life just a little bit better. Well, I'm telling you, there is a way. DONATE BLOOD.
I've been donating blood for over a decade. I still remember the first time I donated as a high school senior. That started the charge. I have continued to donate since then because the need for blood is constant. Only 10% of eligible donors in America choose to donate. That is incredibly depressing, and it needs to change. I'm sharing this post to encourage and educate. So let me share a little story.
A while back, I had an appointment to give blood one afternoon. I asked one of my co-workers to accompany me "because I needed someone to drive me" (a little white lie that served a great purpose). I got to the blood bank and waited for my turn. As my co-worker and I sat there, the phlebotomist came to take me back to do my pre-screen. She looked at my co-worker and said, "Oh, are you going to donate today too?" He said, "No, I'm not eligible. I'm taking medication for cholesterol." She smiled, handed him the medication-deferral list and said "Is it any of these?" He read the list of medications, and to his surprise, his was not listed. Before I knew it, he was next to me giving his pint. (By the way, he became a regular blood donor after this visit, so +1 for the good guys.)
So what do we learn from this little story? So many people assume they're not eligible to donate because of medications they're taking, because they smoke, because they tried once and their iron level was too low, etc. Don't assume that you're not eligible, because I'm betting that you are.
I'm going to share some blood donation facts at the conclusion of this post, but I also want to share my reasons for donating.
I donate because it's one of the easiest ways to give back. It doesn't cost anything. Not all of us have the means to make monetary donations to causes we support, but I am able to give my time. It is not a time consuming process. I'm in and out in less than an hour (unless I stay too long visiting and eating homemade cookies. Oh, and yesterday they were serving sloppy joes, so I didn't have to make supper. #winning).
I donate because it makes my heart feel good. I know that I'm making a difference in someone's life. Also, the act of giving blood for someone else makes me think of Jesus. I think it's an answer to the ever popular WWJD? Jesus gave blood, and since I'm made in his image, it's only right that I do too!
I donate because there is a need for blood all of the time, and one day, it could be me who needs it!
My hope is that by sharing my personal experience in donating blood that it inspires others to do the same. If you have questions, there are plenty of resources available to help (including myself)! For all of your Albionites, there's a blood drive on Monday, September 12 at the Casey building at the Fairgrounds from 11:30 - 5:30. Take an hour of your day and save some lives. You can make an appointment here.
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